Montag, 12. Dezember 2011

Swedish Christmas songs

Here are some traditional swedish christmas songs. We often sing these around 13 of december when we celebrate Sancta Lucia!

The baker
In our town there is a baker, he bakes cookies all day long, some are big and some are small and some has sugar on top.
And through his window you can see gingerbread men and candy canes hanging. And if you are kind you can have one too but if you are naughty you have to go.

The christmas mice
When the nights get longer and colder, mother mouse takes her children and says to them. Watch out for the mousetrap and then we can all celebrate christmas together!
Falleralla fallerallera when christmas comes let everyone be happy!
Falleralla fallerallera when christmas comes let everyone be happy!

Sancta Lucia
Sancta Lucia the girl in white dress, comes to us all, let us be still. Shine like candles at home and in every house. Santca Lucia, Sancta Lucia.
Outside is cold and dark, the lit candles shine in every house. I can se someone coming I think I know who it is Sancta Lucia, Sancta Lucia.

Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011

Icelandic Christmas song

Bráðum koma blessuð jólin
Bráðum koma blessuð jólin,
Soon be blessed Christmas,
börnin fara að hlakka til.
children going to wait.
Allir fá þá eitthvað fallegt
All get them something nice
í það minnsta kerti og spil.
at least candles and cards.

Hvað það verður veit nú enginn
What it will be no one knows
vandi er um slíkt að spá.
problem is of such to predict.
Eitt er víst að alltaf verður
One thing is certain that there must
ákaflega gaman þá.
be very nice then.

Máske þú fáir menn út tini
Maybe you get a tin soldier
máske líka þetta kver.
Maybe also this Collation.
Við skulum bíða og sjá hvað setur
Let's wait and see what sets
seinna vitnast hvernig fer.
later testified how goes.

En ef þú skyldir eignast kverið,
But if you happen to have the collation,
ætlar það að biðja þig,
It will ask you,
að fletta hægt og fara alltaf
turn the pages slowly and always take
fjarskalega vel með sig.
Good care of it.

Hér má lesa um hitt og þetta ,
Here you can read about this and that,
heima og í skólanum,
home and school,
sem þau heyrðu afi og gamma,
that they heard grandfather and gamma,
ekki síst á jólunum.
especially at Christmas.

lyrics to Icelandic christmas song

1.Jólasveinar ganga um gólf
Jólasveinar ganga um gólf
Santa walking the floormeð gildan staf í hendi,
a valid cain in his hand,móðir þeirra sópar gólf
Their mother sweep the floorog flengir þá með vendi.
hits their butts with a wand.:,: Upp á stól stendur mín kanna,
:: Up on the chair is my mug,níu nóttum fyrir jól
nine nights before Christmasþá kem ég til manna :,:
then I come to men,:

Icelandic number rymes

Icelandic Christmas song

Icelandic Christmas song

Montag, 5. Dezember 2011

Freitag, 2. Dezember 2011

Healthy Break Slideshow Slideshow

Healthy Break Slideshow Slideshow: TripAdvisor™ TripWow ★ Healthy Break Slideshow Slideshow ★ to Lannach (near Graz). Stunning free travel slideshows on TripAdvisor

Freitag, 25. November 2011

This drawing was Icelands first choise and was made by Katla (5 years old).

This Drawing was made by Mary Guðleif ( 5 years old),and was Icelands Runner up.

Newsletter 1
Meeting in Iceland
October 2011
We spent three days together at the preeschool Flúðir in Akureyri, Iceland from Monday the 24th to Wednesday the 26th . This was the first meeting in the project Growing across Europe.
We had a lot of planing to do and the meetings were long but we feel that the project will get off to a good start now. The participants met the children and saw all the work that is beeing done in the divisions. We swapped number rymes by video and by paper and introduced our schools. We have started a blogsite to put in all the material we plan to distribute between the schools. Everyone is looking forward to going on with the project.

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011

This is swedens comenius logo that Nova 5 years painted. She painted that she feels good when her family is together.

Mittwoch, 9. November 2011

Swedish rhymes and songs

10 små indianer 10 little indians
En och två och tre indianer
1 and 2 and 3 little indians
Fyra, fem och sex indianer

4 and 5 and 6 little indians
Sju och åtta, nio indianer

7, 8 and 9 little indians
Tio små indianer

10 little indians
Alla hade de fjädrar på huvudet

They all had feathers on their head
Alla hade de pil och båge

They all had a bow and arrow
Alla var de stora och starka

They all had big, big muscels
För björnen skulle de ta

And they where out to catch a bear
Sch, sch hör hur det knakar

sch, sch listen, I can hear him
Sch, sch hör hur det brakar

sch, sch listen, I can hear him
Sch, sch hör hur det knakar

sch, sch listen, I can hear him
För nu kommer björnen fram. HJÄLP!

watch out here he comes. Help!
En och två och tre indianer

1 and 2 and 3 little indians
Fyra, fem och sex indianer

4 and 5 and 6 little indians
Sju och åtta, nio indianer

7, 8 and 9 little indians
Tio indianer sprang hem.

10 indians ran home

Igelkotten The hedgehog
10 ballonger mot en igelkott

10 ballons fell at the hedgehog´s back (hold up your hands and show ten fingers)
10 ballonger mot en igelkott

10 ballons fell at the hedgehog´s back
Den ena sa PANG!

The firt one said BANG! ( Clap your hands when you sing BANG)
Och den andra sa PANG!

and the other said BANG!
8 ballonger mot en igelkott

8 ballons fell at the hedgehog´s back
8 ballonger mot en igelkott

8 ballons fell at the hedgehog´s back
Den ena sa PANG!

The first one said BANG!
Och den andra sa PANG!

and the other said BANG!
Osv. And so on.